...名词后缀;形容词后缀;数量词中缀;多功能后缀[gap=819]KeyWords: Ningxiang dialect; morphology; configuration; noun suffix; adjective suffix; the numeral and classifier infix; the multifunctional suffix..
Noun suffix "zi" in Chinese language appeared about 1500 years ago.
参考来源 - 现代汉语名词后缀"子"的用法探析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Up to now, it has become a very powerful noun suffix in Chinese language, Whose use not only deals with the Structure of Chinese nouns, but their semantic expressions as well.
"Niubility" was the pinyin of Niubi (a slang to say excellent) plus a suffix to make it a noun.
“ Niubility ”(牛b)就是拼音Niubi(俚语,表示“极好的”)加上一个可成为名词的后缀。
When the suffix or ending is added, the English word or root will become a noun, but the Chinese word might become a noun or an adverb.